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Who should it be????You tell me!

Although I've always considered myself an independent (it's the person,not the party), my husband very carefully pointed out that I've voted for a Democrat in every presidential election since I could vote.
In an effort to prove that I am indeed an open minded voter, I've decided to read everything I can get my hands on about both candidates-magazines, books, newspaper articles, name it. I want to go to "booth" fully educated and convinced that I have picked the candidate that will best serve our country.

Now the request---tell me why I should vote for either candidate WITHOUT slamming the other. This could be fun...I am dying to know what you all really think!


Michaelynn said…
I know what you mean. Sorry I can't help you out ... I change my mind everyday.
The Dillon 6 said…
it's a total crapshoot, Bianca. I don't think Obama is the Satan the conservatives are trying to paint him out to be; and I don't think that McCain is as much of a doddering old fool that the liberals would like us to believe (but he picked PALIN, so maybe they're right)...I have such mixed emotions...right now i think I'll flip a coin. Sorry I can't be much help...
Marisa said…
I would like to say I've done as much research as you have, but that's something I've been putting off so I can't help much... I don't hate Obama but I'm so anti-socialism that I'm going to vote for McCain, even though he would not be my first choice. I do like Palin though, maybe he will have a heart attack and she can be Pres.
Maquel said…
I am so much like you Bianca, much to Clark's displeasure. I don't think he'll be commenting on this post--he can't be nice to Obama. I can't decide between the two either. I was Obama all the way but he has gone downhill lately. I have never liked John McCain, but I very much like Sarah Palin, but she's only the vice president. It's a tough one.
JamieBean said…
I too was undecided and didn't think I really cared for either candidate until....I watched the interviews that Pastor Rick Warren did with Obama and McCain at Saddleback. I must say that Obama is a good speaker, but that doesn't quite cut it for me. I felt like all was said and done, I still didn't know who he was or what he stood for. I was however very pleasantly surprised by McCain's interview. I felt he was very straight forward and honest with his answers and I knew more of who he was. Watching that has really sparked my interest and since then I have tried to do as you have, and have tried to learn all I can about the candidates. I must say that I think McCain has definitely got my vote. I am very much agreeing with a lot of his views..(ie. abortion, healthcare, social security...) And I am really liking Palin. She may not have a ton of experience, but she is sharp! Not to mention, in the short time she has been governer, she has been able to do a lot of great things. If people are concerned about her experience, they should also be concerned about Obama's. He was in the Senate less that 150 days before announcing his candidacy! Another thing that concerns me about Obama is that he seems to have very socialist views. One of the things that makes America great and makes us stand out from other nations, is is that we are a democratic nation. In my opinion, socialism just doesn't work. Anyways, sorry this is so long...just though I'd share what I have observed/learned. :)..............
Jenni said…
Travis and I have had endless discussions about these guys in the last year. Really at the end of the day the best thing I can come up with is that they are both going to take my money so who's going to spend it the best? For me the economy is a huge issue right now and there's a lot going on here in America that needs some fixing. Come visit teach me so we can talk more about this ;)
amy germer said…
As you know Miles and I are huge political junkies. I of course have been following closely and maybe too close for Miles liking. Every time I hear Obama speak Miles says I get an Obama love coma. He has a scary magical power over me. I would call myself a green conservative but for some reason all Obama has to do is smile and to my own horror I hear myself say "he is not so bad, I kind of like him, what he is saying makes since."
But, when I read anything about his record or politics in writing, it does not sound so good to me.
Then there is McCain. I never was a fan of his, then decided to give him a chance because he did seem more moderate than most republicans. I liked that he didn't always follow his own party and pretty much did what the heck he felt was right. But, something happened to him the last few months. He seems to be caving to pressure from his party to get their approval and that worries me about him. I feel either one is going to be handed a hep of a mess and neither one sound like they have a good solution. I will be voting for McCain, I just can't bring myself to vote for Obama, he just seems to fragile and socialist. Unless of course he happens to show up in my booth and gives me one of those smiles.
The Dillon 6 said…
Bianca how can you expect anything but love for McCain/Palin when you ask a bunch of lds folks who would repeal term limits and re-elect the nightmare we have currently :) As you know I don't try and gloss over or be milk toast on any issue and how you can seriously think Palin is any good is beyond me I guess I would need to be a woman to understand but if you like her just cause she is a woman that is the same silly aurgument of voting party lines. Look at where our economy is currently, look at who McCain has supported over these last 8 years, look at Iraq and the billions we are blowing there to no avial. Face it you aren't ever gonna convince a Muslism to love the west just like you aren't about to change your beliefs. This is because we think we are right as do they. So all that said, I think Obama cares for people maybe is a socialistic way but he cares and he has proven he wants to help people and isn't worried about being a "Maverick" whatever that means. I fear for our country if Obama doesn't win but then again the apacolypse does need to come so maybe McCain/Palin can help speed that up. For those of you who don't know me I like Bianca consider myself and independent unlike Bianca I have voted for a Republican for President a few times but I'm older than her so I've had more chances. More than anything I can't stand the fear party politics it is very insulting to me that they feel they can fear us into voting for bad programs and policies.
Collings said…
I oh so love these comments. Thank you so much. I knew that most everyone I was connected was going to vote McCain...but I thought I would try and get some good dialog out of it anyway. I am still dissecting all of the information but have pretty much made up my mind. Dave will go back and forth until election day...he likes to process and ponder and process some more. More later...
P Kirkwood said…
Brandon and I have been so heated up about politics that we decided to blog about it on a separate site from our family site, so as not to cause waves with family we have to see the rest of our lives. I find it funny that having your own opinion can cause people to be so angry when it is different from theirs. I will be supporting McCain/Palin based on their issues of marriage and abortion. I think that the problems with the economy can work themselves out in a free market. Our new blog is titles "Robin Hood was a socialist" which clearly lets you know that I am not for the government stepping too far into our free market, and I think that McCain ,and republicans in general, have less of a fear of letting people be responsible for themselves and facing their own consequences. If our Heavenly Father can let us make our own choices, then the country that was created to help His work go forth can certainly do the same. That said, I did read books on both candidates just to feel like I was making an educated vote. They only pushed me farther in the direction I was going. I typed more, but erased it. I could just go on and on. Good luck on making a decision.

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