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Showing posts from 2008

Eden's Ears

We parents are so funny with our rules and codes...I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 8 and so heaven forbid if I let Eden. She first asked when she was 4 and has patiently waited ever since. Today was the day folks and boy was she excited! Here is a clip: She and her bud Katie took the plunge together. I honestly can't believe how fast my baby is growing up!
We've just wrapped up our second full week with the kids home and are about to enter into the third. This is the first year that we haven't gone to SLC or had any members come up and visit us. SO, needless to say, we've spent several quality (he he) hours together. I have found myself a little restless but have enjoyed the break from routine. Here is what we've been doing to pass the time: #1. We got this for "our kids" for Christmas --I had one of these when I was a kid and spent several very competitive hours in play with my brothers. What my parents failed to tell me was how many hours they spent on Christmas Eve setting it up! This child spent 8 hours playing with this on Christmas day--no joke (notice the matching PJs) Day after Christmas, same PJs, different Thomas toy. Yes, I couldn't resist. We let him ride up and down the hallway all night on his new bike. Eden with her new doll. Dave making us Christmas breakfast. The holiday sleepover fest ...

Merry Christmas

So here it is, the Collings 2008 Christmas letter. I tried so hard (OK, not that hard...)to put something together but it just didn't happen. I figured that anyone that I would actually send this to reads this blog anyway ~ and quite honestly, does anyone really keep those pictures? If you do, send me a note and I will mail you one! What more can I tell you about our year that this blog doesn't already reveal? *Eden is in 2 nd grade, very sweet and obedient. She loves her dog and the piano and is looking forward to trying some new activities in January. *Luke is our non-meat eater, pokeman , bakugan ( sp ?) lover. He is seriously a carbon copy of his father (in all senses!)He is anxious to start basketball and violin in January. *Tucker is a ball of fire. He is always on the go, always has a train in his hand and always has some sweet little thing coming out his mouth. He has been suffering from in-grown toe nail pain, and just yesterday told me that he "changed his min...


We took the kids to see Santa last week. Amazing enough, all 4 children actually sat on Santa's lap and started talking to him. HOWEVER, just as the photographer went to snap the photo, a child from another family pulled the fire alarm. We jumped off Santa's lap and waited outside for the fire dept. to come. 15 minutes later we returned for a 2nd attempt, as you can see, we didn't get the same results. I have yet to get a holiday photo will a 4 children smiling. Oh well, at least they are full of character!

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

I love Winter in the Puget Sound. It only takes a 1/2 an inch of snow to shut the whole town down. Church was canceled, I am sure school will be canceled and there is absolutely nobody out on the street. Do you know what it took to get a snow day in SLC ? 4-5 feet? and then some! However, we do have icy roads and severe wind bursts to deal with. I went all out on my door decorations this year and don't even want to put them back up until the wind subsides! Quote of the week: Mom:"Tucker, can you help me pick up your mess?" Tuck:" ummm , my ears aren't working" The Creche is over and was wonderful. Before~ After ~ Last, my 3 faves about Christmas by category~ Music: Josh Groban's "Angels We Have Heard On High" MoTab "Sleigh Ride" Amy Grant "Breath of Heaven" Movies: Christmas Story Christmas Vacation Elf Food: Specalaous (how the heck do you spell that?) Cheese balls Anything with ginger Memories: Participating in a Sub F...

It has been awhile!

It has been one month and not a whole lot has changed. Eden is looking forward to performing in her first play, Luke is still without meat, Tucker eats, sleeps and drinks trains and Eliza is one mobile lady. Here are a couple of pictures: We let the kids have a "sleepover" during the holidays in the playroom. Tonight is going to be rough... Little Eliza What's your name?~ "I don't know...Tucker" What are you doing? ~"I don't know...being naughty!" Tucker answers every question that you ask him with "I don't know" and then proceeds to tell you the real answer. It is hilarious! Side note~We are in the midst of putting on the most incredible event, if you live anywhere near the Southeast side of Puget Sound then you must stop by the Christmas Creche next weekend. What is a creche exhibit? 400 nativities, 30 live musical performances, children's activities, a live nativity, refreshments and so much more...

This year's winner...

Got to hand it to my brother and his wife...this one tops my list!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the Collings. We tried and tried to get a pic with all four but little lady bug just wouldn't cooperate. Don't you just love Halloween? I tried.... Thomas and Iron Man Glinda from "Wicked" My Tucker Thomas Tucker with Mason the Mad Hatter!

Yard Signs

I've never been one for political yard signs so my blog will have to do. I've made up my mind ~ I tried so hard to be open minded about this but everything I came across just pushed me further in his direction. I know that 95% of you that read my blog disagree and so I am glad that we can all agree to disagree. Dave is still on the fence. I honestly have NO idea which way he'll go. He does this every election and ends up surprising me each time. He is extremely thorough~it will be interesting....


Luke wants a pet so bad he can't see straight. I have a mushy heart and decided that he will get one for Christmas but just can't decide what. We already have a dog and cannot and will not get a cat~so help us out? We need something that is friendly and Tucker kill proof.

Eliza, we love you!

Happy 1st to our little Eliza. Words can't express how much we love this little angel. She has added so much joy and happiness to our family this last year. Here are some pics from her little party. Tucker just couldn't resist :)

Boutique Madness

I've been eating and dreaming Sassy Mei Home and Gift for the last 6 months and here we are down to the end with 6 days to go. It should be a really great show-even if everyone is leaving town! We have a lot of talented vendors and a really fun facility~we even got some press in the local paper! check it out: . If you live in the area come on over to the golf course for some food, friends and fun!


First, for all of those that left feedback on my political post---thank you. Thank you for having an opinion and thank you for sharing. I love politics and am so excited to see how this crazy election is going to unfold. Honestly, neither candidate is perfect (I think we can all agree on that!) What we need to do is examine what matters most to us individually and then vote the candidate that best represents it. Eliza and I went to Utah for the celebration of my grandfather's 90th birthday. It was a simple celebration held at their church house with my parents, siblings, all of my 33 cousins and 12 aunts and uncles I can't even begin to describe what a wonderful family I have, it is one of my greatest blessings. My grandparents and parents are such fine examples to me of how to be a parents. Out of the 40 or so marriages in that family, there has not been one split. I told my dad that I wanted the recipe for success and he said it is simple, it's all about time...(he he, ju...

Who should it be????You tell me!

Although I've always considered myself an independent (it's the person,not the party), my husband very carefully pointed out that I've voted for a Democrat in every presidential election since I could vote. In an effort to prove that I am indeed an open minded voter, I've decided to read everything I can get my hands on about both candidates-magazines, books, newspaper articles, name it. I want to go to "booth" fully educated and convinced that I have picked the candidate that will best serve our country. Now the request---tell me why I should vote for either candidate WITHOUT slamming the other. This could be fun...I am dying to know what you all really think!

Which battles do you fight?

The phrase "pick your battles" is a common one shared among parents. I've realized that I am very strict in some areas but oh so very lax in others. Why do we pick the battles that we pick? Is it our own upbringing, our religious values, society? This really isn't an interactive blog, but I am dying to know---which battles do you pick to fight with your children? We have several that we've chosen to fight or not fight, here are a few: A couple of weeks ago Luke decided--all on his own--that he is a vegetarian. He has his reasons (who knows where he got them...) You think I'm kidding? We begged him to go to McDonalds the other day and he said "why, there is nothing for me to eat there". I've decided not to fight him on this one. Tucker enjoys running around naked (see previous posts) I've decided to let go and allow him to be free. I let the dog sleep in bed with Eden. In fact, Eden gives me such a hard time about going to bed, I let her make ...