We packed everything we own into this garage, and then shut the door on it for one week. I wish I had a better shot of all the furniture stacked on top of each other.
What do I love the most about being in Utah? THE SUN. We have been outside non stop. 7 Peaks water park, bike rides, running, hiking, swimming. We can't get enough - it is wonderful!
This is the view from the parking lot of our church. It doesn't do this cute little town justice. We are tucked into the far northeast corner of Utah county. Even though I grew up with these mountains, I am still in awe of their beauty.
There are still boxes lingering, but here are a few pics to get you started.
Family Room
Entry way
Eden's room
Living Room (music area)
Who knows what led us to this area, but I am in love. This little town is just about the cutest thing ever. We live about one block from City Hall and every day, during day light hours the town bell rings on the hour. People and children flood the streets with bikes, roller blades and wagons. Our children haven't made a lot of friends yet (except Eden, our social butterfly) and so Dave and I have become the main source of entertainment. It has actually been a blessing in disguise. We don't have any real commitments right now and have really enjoyed board games, basketball, bike rides, trips to the local shaved ice stand, parks and more with the kids. I've been craving an organized home for sometime and had no idea that it would take move across the states to make it happen. We dejunked and only brought the essentials into the home.
Life is good. HOWEVER, I think my son Luke said it best. "Utah is just about the best place on earth, only one thing would make it better - if all of our friends from Maple Valley were here with us." Amen Luke.