Liza had her first dentist appointment today. I think she had more fun in that chair than she did at Disneyland - a massage chair that moved up and down, cool sunglasses, cotton candy toothpaste AND best of ALL, her VERY own CHAPSTICK! (for those of you that don't know, chapstick was the one and only thing she asked for Christmas) They also gave her a balloon, 2 prizes and a stuffed teddy bear. Can't wait to go back :)
Dave got the heads up this morning that we were going to have a couple of "special" talks on reverence today as the Stake Presidency was a little concerned about how loud our sacrament meetings have become. I thought ~ great, let's prep the kids ~ I told them that they were to be on their best behavior, no snacks, no toys, no talking, you get the idea... The meeting went pretty smooth until the Bishop got up. He very tenderly started talking about how important it is that we teach our children about the was at that moment that my family fell a part. Eden and Luke started fighting and Liza and Tucker started screaming---did I mention we were on the second row? I grabbed Luke and put him in a body hold and motioned for Dave to get Tuck and Liza out. Dave left with Liza and Tuck (so I thought...) and next thing you know, Tucker is up on the stand running back and forth behind the Bishop. My sweet friend sitting next to me jumped up to get Tuck, but he of cours...