Sorry to leave you hanging. I did it, I ran the whole 26.2 miles with my sister by my side. I can't explain how exhilarating it was to cross that finish line. I think that is why it has taken me two weeks to post - words can't describe the experience. It was hard...much harder than we both expected. We had both taken some time off to nurse injuries and felt the toll at mile 16.
(me at mile 16, wish you could see a close up of my face!)
Well, I felt the toll, my awesome sister plugged along quietly by side with a smile on her face. We both faced some major obstacles that day. I got this beast on my foot at mile 10:
...and my sister had another very uncomfortable issue start at mile 7. Regardless, we finished and that is what counts. Some notes for the future:
Well, I felt the toll, my awesome sister plugged along quietly by side with a smile on her face. We both faced some major obstacles that day. I got this beast on my foot at mile 10:
#1. Wear sunglasses
#2. Find a way to stop "the system" before the race begins
#3. Put glide in between all of your toes (along with ever other crack and crevice)
#4. Run with a pacer
#5. Eat hummus at mile 13 and an energy bar at mile 18
#6. Take "runner's candy" before, during and after the race
#7. Do not consume both GU and the sport's drink - pick one or the other and water of course!
#8. Pick a flat course next time!
#9. Run 22 miles in your training run
#9. Run 22 miles in your training run
#10. BRING MUSIC NEXT TIME! Love my sister to death but when the going gets tough, the last thing in the world we both wanted to do was talk!
Can't wait for the next one:)