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Happy Anniversary

January 22, 2010 marked our 10th anniversary. It has been the most amazing 10 years with my very best friend. My sister took the kids for the day so that we could spend it doing our favorite things. Please note, what you see below is NOT one of Dave's favorite things...that my friends is called LOVE.

We both love running but never actually get to run together. He took me on some of his wild trails that I never dare run alone. Did I ever mention how beautiful our little town is? We live within footsteps of dozens of miles of trails and 2 beautiful lakes.

We ate yummy chinese food, drank smoothies, shopped a little and ended the night at Avatar. I LOVE movies and this one was definitely an adventure. So adventurous in fact that we both got motion sickness. Word to the wise, if you ever see an Imax 3D movie, sit in the center back.

Our story ~"I knew I loved him before I met him" and I love him even more today. It all started when my little greenie missionary eyes wandered into a "bye bye" book of a member that we were visiting. I noticed that the really good looking missionary in the picture had the same zip code as my parent's in the states. I asked my companion who it was and she said, "oh, that is David Collings - he was a really good looking, popular missionary that left 6 months ago"

Two months later, I was in my second area with my second companion. She was a native of Taiwan and we grew to be really close friends. She shared with me that she was in love with a former missionary that she called "giraffe" that lived in SLC. She was about to finish her mission and wanted to go to and visit to see if he felt the same connection. I suggested that she stay with my parents. To make a long story short it was Dave she was going to see. After her mission, she flew to SLC with 2 of her guy friends. The guys stayed with Dave and she with my parents. The two families got together a couple of times to eat chinese food. One night after dinner she gave Dave a proposal letter. This caught him WAY off guard as he had no idea she felt that way about him. He suggested they just be friends and wished her well back in Taiwan.

When she got back to Taiwan she called me to tell me about her disappointment and asked for advice. She was trying to decide whether to continue her medical career in Taiwan or go to BYU to be closer to Dave and try again. I knew from my parent's letters that the situation had been unpleasant and that there wasn't any hope for them. I wrote Dave a letter - mind you, we had never met. I told him who I was and that I cared about this companion very much and that he need to be frank and tell her that there was no future and that she was best to stay in Taiwan.

Fast forward one year. The last week of my mission my past companion and the two guys she traveled with to the US gave me some gifts to deliver to Dave when I returned. I called him the day after I got home and met him the very next day. I swear to you it was love at first sight - on my side at least. We went on our first date 2 months later - I asked him to the symphony and he asked me to a fireside in the same conversation. We got married 5 months and 2 days after that first date. When you know, you know and we knew. How lucky in love we are. We've had our ups and downs but have never spent one night "on the couch." We love the same activities and food. We laugh and cry together. We communicate well with each other and love spending time together and with the kids. The first 10 years have been amazing - I can't wait to see what the next 10 bring! LOVE YOU DAVE! for the record - my companion was really happy for us and is one of our good friends :)


Unknown said…
Hi Old Friend!!

I never knew the companion part of yours and Dave's story. How funny!!

And Happy Ten Years!

I'm getting really excited to be the mom of a GIRL! Finally. Do you have any girl baby blankets you want to lend me? I'm coming to SEATTLE next week and maybe we can catch up with one another. We need a serious rundown of our lives over the past year :)

Email me for my phone number - I sill have yours.
Kerry said…
Beautiful post! I love your story! Here's to forever! :)
Natallee said…
Oh, This is all so sweet!! Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has been 10 years!
Liz said…
Just reviewing that story brings tears to my eyes. What a fun adventure that was! Actually you forgot to tell about Dad running into Dave after the get togethers we had with the Chinese kids. He ran into Dave at Deseret Book and came home to tell me that he had found someone for you. Yep, Love at first sight on this end too. .....Oh and should I tell the rest of the story? Love Mom

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