So here it is, the Collings 2008 Christmas letter. I tried so hard (OK, not that hard...)to put something together but it just didn't happen. I figured that anyone that I would actually send this to reads this blog anyway ~ and quite honestly, does anyone really keep those pictures? If you do, send me a note and I will mail you one! What more can I tell you about our year that this blog doesn't already reveal? *Eden is in 2 nd grade, very sweet and obedient. She loves her dog and the piano and is looking forward to trying some new activities in January. *Luke is our non-meat eater, pokeman , bakugan ( sp ?) lover. He is seriously a carbon copy of his father (in all senses!)He is anxious to start basketball and violin in January. *Tucker is a ball of fire. He is always on the go, always has a train in his hand and always has some sweet little thing coming out his mouth. He has been suffering from in-grown toe nail pain, and just yesterday told me that he "changed his min...