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Showing posts from September, 2008


First, for all of those that left feedback on my political post---thank you. Thank you for having an opinion and thank you for sharing. I love politics and am so excited to see how this crazy election is going to unfold. Honestly, neither candidate is perfect (I think we can all agree on that!) What we need to do is examine what matters most to us individually and then vote the candidate that best represents it. Eliza and I went to Utah for the celebration of my grandfather's 90th birthday. It was a simple celebration held at their church house with my parents, siblings, all of my 33 cousins and 12 aunts and uncles I can't even begin to describe what a wonderful family I have, it is one of my greatest blessings. My grandparents and parents are such fine examples to me of how to be a parents. Out of the 40 or so marriages in that family, there has not been one split. I told my dad that I wanted the recipe for success and he said it is simple, it's all about time...(he he, ju...

Who should it be????You tell me!

Although I've always considered myself an independent (it's the person,not the party), my husband very carefully pointed out that I've voted for a Democrat in every presidential election since I could vote. In an effort to prove that I am indeed an open minded voter, I've decided to read everything I can get my hands on about both candidates-magazines, books, newspaper articles, name it. I want to go to "booth" fully educated and convinced that I have picked the candidate that will best serve our country. Now the request---tell me why I should vote for either candidate WITHOUT slamming the other. This could be fun...I am dying to know what you all really think!

Which battles do you fight?

The phrase "pick your battles" is a common one shared among parents. I've realized that I am very strict in some areas but oh so very lax in others. Why do we pick the battles that we pick? Is it our own upbringing, our religious values, society? This really isn't an interactive blog, but I am dying to know---which battles do you pick to fight with your children? We have several that we've chosen to fight or not fight, here are a few: A couple of weeks ago Luke decided--all on his own--that he is a vegetarian. He has his reasons (who knows where he got them...) You think I'm kidding? We begged him to go to McDonalds the other day and he said "why, there is nothing for me to eat there". I've decided not to fight him on this one. Tucker enjoys running around naked (see previous posts) I've decided to let go and allow him to be free. I let the dog sleep in bed with Eden. In fact, Eden gives me such a hard time about going to bed, I let her make ...

Mother Struggling

I came across this article tonight while reading KOMO news. This family lives near us and her sister in law is a good harp friend of mine. Click the link, it is worth reading: http :// They have set up a fund to help with their 2 million dollars in medical bills: Our hearts and prayers go out to the Decker family.

Our differences

Dave and I are very similar-we enjoy the same type of humor, like the same food, type of clothes, movies, books, activities,politicians...pretty much everything--we are two peas in a pod...however, when it comes to this: ...there are some SERIOUS problems. We can't agree on football teams. He is blue to the core, and I, well I am a U of U, Skyline Eagles, UW Husky fan. Sometime, just for fun, ask Dave what he thinks of my high school! So I ask this, what is so great about BYU (yes, that is the Y on UW's field)????He has 2 degrees from the UW and yet couldn't manage to give them an ounce of support. It was a great game---I actually watched 1/2 of it (that is saying a lot for me...)---my heart goes out to the DAWGS ---so so so close!
Summer is sadly over but I am so happy to be back in structure mode. We ended the summer with a bang...some highlights from the last two weeks: We took a camping trip to Pacific Beach with 12 other families. We'd set up this little chair compound in the sand each day and just chat while the kids played in the water. Eden and some friends Eden's first day of school. This is my third year sending her off and I still cried when she went into the classroom. Does it ever get easier? Luke learned to ride his bike this week without training wheels. It took me years to get him on the bike and now I can't seem to get him off! As for Eliza and Tucker...Tuck has finally jumped on the potty train. I would post a picture, but hey, I want to keep my site G rated. Little Eliza had a fluke audition for a commerial this week. While we were waiting for her turn in the prep room the gal asked me if I would read the mother's lines to see how Eliza reacted to an actress on camera. A coup...