January 22, 2010 marked our 10 th anniversary. It has been the most amazing 10 years with my very best friend. My sister took the kids for the day so that we could spend it doing our favorite things. Please note, what you see below is NOT one of Dave's favorite things...that my friends is called LOVE. We both love running but never actually get to run together. He took me on some of his wild trails that I never dare run alone. Did I ever mention how beautiful our little town is? We live within footsteps of dozens of miles of trails and 2 beautiful lakes. We ate yummy chinese food, drank smoothies, shopped a little and ended the night at Avatar. I LOVE movies and this one was definitely an adventure. So adventurous in fact that we both got motion sickness. Word to the wise, if you ever see an Imax 3D movie, sit in the center back. Our story ~"I knew I loved him before I met him" and I love him even more today. It all started when my little greenie missionary eyes wan...