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Showing posts from September, 2009

My animated wonder

What would I do without this child? She keeps me smiling all day long :) "Look at my owie Makkkaaay"

Tuck on wheels

He did IT!

First day of school

This is the first year in 4 that I did not cry on the first day of school. I had to carry Liza in one arm and drag a kicking and screaming Tucker to both Luke and Eden's class rooms. Definitely not a good first impression on their teachers. Regardless, they were both so happy to start. Eden has 3 good friends in her class and Luke has 7 other kids from the ward in his. They are both well taken care of :) "I am not getting have to pull me off...I won't go, I won't" Tucker didn't want to leave Eden. This is when the crying began. I pried him off and drug him across the courtyard to Luke's class. Two weeks later Tuck got his first day. He is in a private pre-school with 8 very close friends. We are so lucky to not only have a tight group of friends (and family) share this class but to have Mrs. Cloud again (our 6th year) in pre-school. Eden and Luke adored her and Tuck has been looking forward to this for 2 years! Tuck and his best friend Mason Tu...

Scouting and swimming

I have been a terrible blogger the past 4 months and must apologize to my mother. Time to play catch-up. Collings Summer 2009 Dave was called as Scout Master in March. Some scouting highlights: WASH JAM Scout camp What did we do all summer? Swimming lessons