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Showing posts from March, 2009

Wicked Weekend

I've lived in the NW for almost 15 years and it took my mom flying up and tickets to Wicked for me to finally get to Portland. What a beautiful city!!! The show was amazing and so were the sights!

Love it when mom comes to town

She always takes such cute pictures!


People are always asking me about music teachers, practicing tips etc. I thought it would be fun to journal some of my experiences as well as some practicing tips that I've picked up over the last several years. Check it out:

Sick of whining

Yes, I deleted the last post ~ I've decided that I am sick of whining about Tucker. He is a fabu child and definitely adds spice to the family. He did this to Liza yesterday ~ don't you love her reaction?

Like it

Do you think Dave would let me paint my walls green?

Enough of that :)

Gee that last post was depressing ~ Liza is just fine. The fact is, I have never seen a child faint or have a I know and will be more composed next time...not that it is EvEr going to happen again. I've been tagged. Time to reveal 6 things that make me happy. I am going to change the rules to "6 things besides my family, the gospel, my health and stability that make me happy" #1. A sunny day - I used to work at the Space Needle and part of our tour included the phrase "we only see a full day of sun 52 days out of the year." NO joke. Let's just say there are 52 days out of the year that I am happier than the rest. #2. Reading a book in bed. Chances are if you call my house between 1-3 it will ring busy. I don't let anything get in the way of a little R & R. #3. Email. I LOVE email. I think I check my inbox 30 times a day. #4. Wednesdays ~ for reasons that are too superficial to list. #5. Really good chinese food. I just heard about two...