Gee that last post was depressing ~ Liza is just fine. The fact is, I have never seen a child faint or have a I know and will be more composed next time...not that it is EvEr going to happen again. I've been tagged. Time to reveal 6 things that make me happy. I am going to change the rules to "6 things besides my family, the gospel, my health and stability that make me happy" #1. A sunny day - I used to work at the Space Needle and part of our tour included the phrase "we only see a full day of sun 52 days out of the year." NO joke. Let's just say there are 52 days out of the year that I am happier than the rest. #2. Reading a book in bed. Chances are if you call my house between 1-3 it will ring busy. I don't let anything get in the way of a little R & R. #3. Email. I LOVE email. I think I check my inbox 30 times a day. #4. Wednesdays ~ for reasons that are too superficial to list. #5. Really good chinese food. I just heard about two...